Training gallery
We also research and write training packages, booklets and information kits for business, online learning and community education. Our projects include:
Downer Mining training packages Developed packages and tool box talks for Zero Harm training, as well as consultation and editing for the HSE leadership training presentation package, and revamping the Operational Training assessment templates.
Thiess Management System (TMS) training packages Developed five training packages for the TMS, complete with presenter notes, participant notes, ppt presentations, planning guides, email templates, evaluation sheets and everything a non-expert would need to deliver TMS training, especially on project sites.
This included a TMS for Estimators package, specifically developed and delivered to achieve buy-in from key personnel. A Help Portal was also developed with a comprehensive range of TMS user guides.
Recreation Training Queensland - Axelis Provided consulting, writing and editing services. We produced an online editing package, with guidelines, an editor's checklist and a sample edited SpeedLearn product. We also restructured and edited four Learner Guide booklets designed for the recreation industry.
Coastal Lowlands Education Kit While a consultant with Econnect Communication, Louise developed content for this attractive, comprehensive kit about the importance of actively protecting remaining coastal lowlands vegetation. Designed for community groups and schools, with 'easy reading' information and fun, practical activities. The kit includes fact sheets and a teacher's resource booklet linked to the curriculum.