Louise Creely

louise2Louise has a passion for playing with words, and freshening up tired text. She has expertise in writing, editing, training and project management.

Louise became known as 'the dragonfly' after writing a feature article for the Murray Darling Basin Commission in 2003.

She emerged from her chrysalis to launch her own writing and editing studio in 2003, and Dragonfly Ink took flight.

In this (ad)venture, Louise works with organisations of all shapes and sizes, helping them to communicate more clearly, creatively and effectively. 

A certified freak for nature, she also shares her love of wild creatures and places through natural and cultural heritage interpretation for city parks, national parks, historic sites and streetscapes.

Louise loves helping people develop their writing and storytelling skills. She has a background in primary teaching, and has dabbled in illustration, painting, performance and stand-up comedy.

Louise and her husband Frank (aka the Energiser Bunny) put the fun back in dysfunctional while raising her three daughters and his two sons. Apparently the family thing is catching. They already have five grandchildren, but that's just the beginning...

Meanwhile, she has taken serious steps towards fulfilling her lifelong ambition to be a best-selling author. So far, she has sharpened all the pencils in the house, sorted out the filing cabinet, and rearranged the furniture (several times).

Follow the flight path of the dragonfly - out of the holding pattern and into the next adventure...

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Awards: Excellence in Interpretive Practice - Noosa Outdoor Interpretive Precinct. Interpretation Australia, 2007.

Memberships: Interpretation Australia; Australian Society of Authors; Northern Rivers Writers Centre.

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