Interps gallery
Are you looking for the right words for your display, visitor centre, museum or streetscape? Whether it's a small or large project, we have the experience and passion to make it the best it can be.
We love to tell stories - and we're wild about nature and history. As well as creating interpretive content, our projects will often involve: Working with Traditional Owners, researchers, park rangers, the community and other stakeholders - Developing concepts and themes in collaboration with clients and designers
- Creating children's stories and poetry, and
- Creating concepts and content for the interactive elements of displays.
Here are some projects we've worked on: - Frew Park (BCC) - research, community liaison and interpretive content for the former Milton Tennis Centre site in Brisbane. This has been transformed from a derelict site once earmarked for development into a stunning public space > see Frew Park pics
- Mt Gravatt Reserve Outlook (BCC) - research, community liaison and interpretive content > view Mt G Outlook pics
- Tennysons Reach Parklands, Brisbane (BCC/Mirvac) - community and indigenous consultation, research and interpretive content for new parklands adjacent to the Queensland Tennis Centre > blog post
Yeronga Memorial Park, Yeronga (BCC) - community consultation, research and interpretive content for one of Brisbane's most significant historic parks > view Yeronga pics- Dowse Lagoon, Sandgate (BCC) - interpretive content, community consultation, working with local schools to create artwork and impressions of Dowse Lagoon, research > view Dowse Lagoon pics
- Berrinba Wetlands (Logan City Council & BCC) - interpretive content
- Lota Reserve (BCC) - interpretive content, community consultation
- Bunya Mountains National Park (QPWS) interpretive content
- Noosa National Park Headland Section (QPWS) - Winner 2007 Excellence in Interpretive Practice Award, research and interpretive content > view Noosa pics
- Paroo-Darling National Park and White Cliffs Visitor Centre (NSW NPWS) interpretation strategy, on-park signage, and Visitor Centre interpretive content > view Paroo pics
- Mon Repos Turtle Rookery Information Centre (QPWS) interpretive content > view Mon Repos pics
- Thiess 75th Reunion - display consultancy, content > view pic
- Kingaroy Heritage Interpretive Hub (Va-moose Creative) signage content > view Kingaroy pics
- Einstein museum display (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada) consultancy and interpretive content > view Einstein display pics
- Bowies Flat Constructed Wetlands (Brisbane City Council) interpretive content > view Bowies Flat pics
- Lark Quarry Dinosaur Trackways (QPWS) children's activity booklet and content for www.dinosaurtrackways.com.au
- Coastal Lowlands Education Kit (QPWS) - themes and content > view pics